Conducting and Facilitating Research in and Around the Park

FHA is in research partnership with famous universities and research institutions and provides internship opportunities to the university students. For instance, the West Chester University of Pennsylvania conducts research on Gishwati chimpanzee behavioral ecology and the Drake University on crop raiding around the Gishwati forest.

FHA also partners with these two universities in their summer schools in Rwanda. Throughout this partnership, West Chester University Foundation is supporting FHA to construct a research station in the Gishwati area. This research facility will help to expand research from biodiversity, to food security, agriculture, livelihoods and climate change.

Indeed, FHA facilitates the work of several scientists and institutions to expand the number of species and types of problems studied in and around the park including students from the University of Rwanda.

The Recent visiting researchers facilitated were from different Universities and their studies was related to the topics listed below :

  • Leiden University- effects of habituation on stress in captive and free living chimpanzees
  • Utrecht University- Using vocalizations as an indicator of habituation
  • University of Amsterdam- Context dependent activity patterns in chimpanzees
  • Yale University- Local community perspectives on the history of Gishwati and the establishment of a national park
  • George Washington University- Effects of anthropogenic activities on the behavioral ecology of chimpanzees
  • University of Western Australia- Gut microbiome of Gishwati chimpanzees
  • University of Adam Mickiewicz Poznan- Analysis of pathogen loads in Gishwati chimpanzees